Huey's get zero Lz prep, and are forced to land in areas where they are guaranteed to be shot by ak's or rpg's. Maybe you should read a book or watch a video about helo warfare in nam. It will be like Red Storm or Rising Orchestra, i don't LOOOL, are you serious right now? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good helo driver, so don't try and tell me that I don't what I'm talking about. There are a lot of ideas, for example, as in the same World in the Conflict from the attack of the Soviet Union on America after crisis and exacerbation in West/East Germany. I would like to see Red Orchestra 3 on a new engine with a new weapon, new vehicles used as a transition to a possible fictional conflict between the USSR and the US starts in 89-91. In World in Conlict - RTS from Ubisost was really good scenario. Perfect for the 'territories' game mode of RO2. It would also open up a lot of map varieties from the plains of Germany to the denser forests of Eastern Europe.

Tank combat would be cool as well because none of the tanks really had an advantage back then. It would also open up a lot of interesting factions like the US, USSR, West Germany (using G3s), East Germany (with their crazy Stahlhelms), Poland, Yugoslavia, France (MAS-49), etc. Originally posted by Kutze:It would be cool to go back to the Red Orchestra 2 (meaning conventional vs conventional) roots using the theme of a hypothetical World War III scenario set in Europe shortly after World War II pitting the Warsaw Pact against NATO.